The staff at St. David's are all fully trained and friendly. We value our staff and pride ourselves on the long term employment of many of our full time staff. The two senior registered nurses both have over 5 years experience at St. David's and some staff have been with us for more than a decade. The continuity of staff encourages long term continuity of care for our residents, which enable special relationships to be formed between nurses, carers and residents.
Mrs Linda Cooke is the current Matron at St David's. Mrs. Cooke is an RGN with many years experience of working with the elderly and has lived and worked in Norfolk for over 20 years. Her focus is on person centred care and to this end she encourages staff training. She delivers much of the in-house training, including 'Safeguarding Adults' and the new 'Mental Capacity Act'.
St. David's operates a key worker system which involves pairing each resident with a member of staff who becomes the resident's primary person to go to for any questions, concerns or requests. This is of course in addition to the staff of registered nurses and qualified care staff who support residents in their daily activities. A key worker is a named member of staff who has a central role in respect of a particular resident. During the early stages of residency, the key worker will spend time with the new resident to assist with settling in and for establishing and maintaining an appropriate relationship with the resident. The key worker will assist the resident to maintain social, recreational, cultural and religious links through daily living activities inside and outside the home and will do so in a way that promotes dignity, choice and independence.
Our nursing staff are able to share resources with the local GP office where they have access to training materials and the staff. We have a local GP who visits